Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Most Common Ways to Get Infected by Viruses

Infect a Computer

There are dozens of ways that a computer can become infected with spyware, viruses, and/or malware. Below is a list of ways your computer devices can get infected. The list is made starting with the most common.

1) Accept Without Reading

One of the most common ways of infecting a computer is when a user accepts what he sees on the screen without reading the message before continuing. For example:

While browsing the Internet, an advertisement or window occurs saying that your computer is infected or that it needs a plug-in. Without fully understanding what you are receiving, you accept the notice.

When installing or updating a program, you are prompted (often the checkboxes are already checked) to install additional programs that you may not want or are designed to monitor the use of the program.

Tip: When installing a program, you are given the options between automatic and custom installation. If you are installing something from the internet, it is best to do a custom install to ensure nothing is added or changed during the installation.

2) Download Any Infected Software

When downloading any software (programs, utilities, games, updates, demos, etc.) from the Internet, be sure to download the software from a reliable source. Ensure the running of your downloads through your antivirus and spyware scanners upon completion. During the installation process, read all the instructions on what program you are installing.

Tip: You can help yourself to verify if a website is trustworthy using tools like WOT.

3) Open Email Attachments

As a general rule of thumb, don't open emails you didn't expect to receive. Devices can become infected when users open email attachments that contain malicious code. Even if the message is from a coworker, friend, or family member, always be careful before opening a link or downloading an attachment.

4) Insert or Connect an Infected USB, Disk, or Drive

Any disk, drive, or USB plugged in or inserted into your computer may be infected with a virus. A common tactic used by hackers to gain access to a network is leaving behind a USB drive with malicious code. Then when a user places the USB stick in their computer, they get infected with a virus or Trojan horse.

Note: This exact rule applies to any network drive. If another computer has access to yours or to a drive accessible from it, a virus can move between computers and other devices on a network.

5) Visit Unknown Links

If a malicious person has designed a website, they could give you access, send malicious files, or obtain confidential information about you. You always have to be careful and distrust any link that comes to you by chat, email, or SMS.

Note: a commonly used phishing tactic is to make a link or page appear legitimate so that you give out data, but it actually redirects you to where the hacker wants.

6) Do Not Perform Updates

Many of the updates, especially those associated with Microsoft Windows, are security-oriented. Always keep your operating system and your programs updated. Add-ons associated with your browser can also contain security vulnerabilities. To make sure you have the latest versions, you can run the 'Computer Hope' tool to check the installed plugins and their versions.

7) Pirating Software, Music, or Movies

If you or someone who uses your computer participates in service to exchange copyrighted music, movies, or software, you may be at risk. Sometimes these files and programs contain viruses, spyware, Trojans, or malicious software in addition to what you think you are downloading.

8) Not Having Antivirus

If you are operating with a computer that has Microsoft Windows, it is recommended that you have some type of antivirus, antispyware, or malware protection. This software can remove any existing viruses and spyware, as well as help prevent future infections.

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