Wednesday, September 9, 2020

8 Computer Security Tips During COVID-19 Pandamic

 1) is It Necessary to Have an Antivirus Installed?

If you use Windows, you have to be more careful than ever, not because this operating system is not secure, but because it has been the most popular for many years. Linux and OS X have far fewer users in the world and this is why malicious software developers often create malware that attacks Microsoft's operating system, simply because it is more likely to be successful.

The truth is that even if all possible precautions are taken, you will never be totally safe from malware. But by installing antivirus, you can avoid malicious software victoriously. Computer viruses have lived between us and our computers for more than 40 years. These malicious programs that seek to access our data to damage, steal, or simply annoy us; they have remained an immovable threat in the world of computing, becoming increasingly complex. Without going into technical issues, the use of antivirus is unavoidable and now more than ever, do not hesitate and buy one.

2) Avoid Spreading Information About Your Geographical Location

The most efficient and reliable way is to use a virtual private network, VPN, that modifies your real location. This network can be used on all computers and devices. Browsers like OPERA will allow you to change your address and your IP key, Google Chrome on the other hand is traceable. But there is no panacea because simply by connecting to the internet, any device shows an IP address, a numerical designation that can be geographically mapped. The million-dollar question Why block my geographical position? Very easy, based on it hundreds of pages restrict or open access to its content, and now in times of pandemic, we need as much multimedia material as possible and even more if we are in home office mode where entertainment and inspiration are required for the conference. of confinement.

3) Activate Security Filters

Network security refers to any activity designed to protect the network. Specifically, these activities protect the usability, reliability, integrity, and security of your network and data. Effective network security addresses a variety of threats and how to prevent them from entering or spreading across a network of devices. And what are the threats to the network? Many threats to network security today are spread across the Internet. The most common include:

• Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses

• Spyware and Adware

• Zero-day Attacks Also Called Zero-hour Attacks

• Hacker Attacks

• Denial of Service Attacks

• Interception or Theft of Data

• Identity Theft

You have to understand that there is no single solution that protects against a variety of threats. Various levels of security are required. If one fails, the others still stand. Network security is carried out through hardware and software. The software must be constantly updated to protect itself from emerging threats. A network security system is generally made up of many components. Ideally, all components work together, minimizing maintenance and improving safety. Network security components include:

• Antivirus and Antispyware

• Firewall, to Block Unauthorized Access to Your Network

• Pop Up a Block (Tools of Your Internet Browser Against Pop-up Screens)

4) Avoid Opening Files of Unknown Provenance

Opening files that we do not know could be a danger because we will allow different threats to access our computer or device. What are Malware and Ransomware? Malware is an English word and it means malicious software. Malware is computer programs designed to penetrate computer systems in order to obtain, destroy, copy, or steal information and perform unwanted actions.

Types of Malware: 

• The most common and known to all are Viruses. These can delete files, folders, data in general.

• Spyware or spy programs are also known, whose purpose is to access information without our permission, such as email messages, credit cards, passwords, and data in general.

• Worms are another variety of malware that enter our computer system creating innumerable copies of themselves and their objective is to collapse the network or computers.

• Trojans are files that when opened are activated and thus access data on our computer or device.

• Malicious bots are programs designed to carry out unwanted actions by the user.

• Adware are programs designed to invade systems with adware. This type of malware can be prevented by installing anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware, and updating them periodically. It is convenient to carry out computer analyses on a regular basis. When a computer or device has been contaminated by one of these viruses, it shows some symptoms such as slow processes, unknown processes, warning messages appear, the Internet connection is frequently interrupted, etc. To avoid infecting our computer with these viruses, we must avoid files of unknown origin, surf the Internet without having our antivirus updated, download programs from unknown sources, etc.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents access to files, encrypting or encrypting all files on both the computer and the system, blocking their access. Lately, this type of malware is being distributed with emails to thousands of users and companies requesting in exchange to release that information a financial ransom, generally in the form of digital currency or bitcoins.

5) Ignore Messages From Suspicious Accounts

Do not reply to private messages from strangers This is usually spam. Nor do you need to be 100% blunt (sometimes it can be a true or important message). It is advisable to read the message and proceed to delete it if it is spam; In the case of being information foreign to our purposes or we simply do not know the sender, these types of messages are usually called spam. The terms junk mail, unsolicited mail, and junk message refer to unsolicited, unwanted messages or messages with an unknown sender (or even anonymous or false sender mail), usually of an advertising type, they are generally sent in large quantities (even massive) that harm the receiver in one or more ways. The act of sending such messages is called spamming.

6) Don't Trust Unusually Attractive Offers

Misleading advertising aims to attract the user with unusual offers that of course are false to attract possible victims, generally of fraud or identity theft, which results in our prompt warning, never give important and personal information to accounts suspicious or unknown to us.

7) Do Not Trust Publications That Offer a Cure or Vaccine Against COVID-19

Miracle products are advertised without control or restriction on the internet and are used in spam messages that, in the face of users' panic, work to catch the unwary and steal their personal information, the fashionable problem is always the favorite topic to forge possible frauds, not yet There is a proven and accurate cure against COVID-19 so be careful if any page offers it to you.

8) Don't Send Confidential Information to Strangers

It never hurts to emphasize this point; Cybercriminals will use different strategies to make you fall and steal your precious information, identity theft and scams of all kinds are more common than you think, ignore any suspicious sender and if any of their messages attracted your attention with information for example about your bank account, call your branch and check if this is real, you will notice that in most cases spam is not real and that it seeks to be harmful.

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