Tuesday, August 4, 2020

10 Tips to Prevent Computer Security Threats

Computer security threats can influence the smooth running of your computer and have the genuine mischief to a computer system, so you need to make a preventive move on the best way to forestall computer security threats. 

Cyber attackers are looking to steal sensitive information, for example, business subtleties, credit card information, personal subtleties, or whatever other information which they can offer to others for business purposes. 

Tips to Prevent Computer Security Threats

There are various sorts of computer security threats, for example, Virus, Adware, Malware, Rootkit, hackers, and significantly more. We have provided a few hints on the most proficient method to forestall computer security threats, which are as per the following: 

(1) Make Solid Password

The frail password is anything but difficult to recollect in the human mind and people are using exceptionally basic passwords, for example, date of birth, mobile no, employee id, understudy id 123456, and more. 

To keep from cybersecurity threats you need to make a solid and standard password to secure your computer and another account from hackers. 


To create a solid password you can combine letters, numbers, exceptional characters (minimum 10 characters in total), and change them all the time. 

(2) Use Antivirus Software

Antivirus Software is a program that encourages how to forestall computer security threats, for example, hackers, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and malware threats. It scans each file that gets through the Internet, USB devices, or external hard circle to your computer and assists with protecting your system. 


  • If you using Windows 7, then you can download Microsoft Security Essentials and
  • If you using Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center already installed on your device.
Most premium antivirus; Best Antivirus Trial Download

(3) Erase Suspicious Email and Don't Click

Sometimes you will get an unwanted email from an obscure source that appears to be suspicious or phishing email message. A suspicious email that may contain a virus or malware content to redirect you to a weak website to steal your information. 


  • If you want to avoid phishing emails, just delete any email that raises confusion.
  • If you think your incoming email is suspicious then you can direct phone call to the sender to confirm as he sends the mail.
  • In addition to simply deleting the email, you can also mark it as spam, or as suspicious and it is better do not click on that type of email.

(4) Use Data Encryption

Encryption is the process of transforming your sensitive data so that lone approved users can access it and make it unreadable for unapproved users. It is important in light of the fact that it permits you to securely protect your data, for example, credit card numbers, bank subtleties, and login credentials that you don't need any other individual to approach. 

(5) Keep All Software Updated 

You need to guarantee that all pre-owned software is updated, for example, from anti-virus software to computer operating systems. The main purpose behind downloading and installing the most recent form of software is to remain protected from security threats. 

Old form software may have some bug or vulnerabilities in code and when another adaptation of software is discharged, the variant normally includes fixes for those kinds of security vulnerabilities. 


Manual software updates is a time-consuming process, so it is smarter to utilize automatic software updates for whatever number software as could reasonably be expected. 

(6) Monitor Security Review Logs and Systems

Standard monitoring of network and system is a process that can aid the early identification of a computer virus by examining security review logs. 

It is important that review logs are checked routinely to guarantee that your network and system remains protected by monitoring suspicious traffic and occasions. 


The Internet Application Firewall has a thorough logging feature to record huge occasions. The following sorts of logs are accessible in the Internet Application Firewall: 

  • Web Firewall Logs
  • Access logs
  • Audit logs
  • System Logs
  • Network Firewall Logs

(7) Training Your Employees

Each organization ought to have orchestrated a mindfulness workshop and training program on the best way to forestall computer security threats. It is the most ideal approach to improve an employee's technical skills. The workshop and training program may include the following topics: 

  • Cybersecurity And its importance
  • Different types of computer security threats
  • How to prevent cybersecurity threats?
  • How to create a strong password?
  • How to update software and OS?
  • Different type’s cybercrime and cyber-attack etc.
  • Usages of social media and software

(8) Don't Download Untrusted Email Attachments 

Sometimes you will get an email from an obscure source that appears to be suspicious email with a connection file. The connection file can contain malware content, in the event that you download and open the file, then the malware will execute and infect your computer. 

In this way, it is better never to download the untrusted email attachments to keep from cybersecurity threats. 

(9) Never Download Software From Untrustworthy Sites

Cybersecurity master suggested that downloading the software and apps from believed sources however our regular propensity is that, we are downloading free software from obscure problematic sites. 


Thus, don't download the software, apps, and other content from the obscure site and without verifying their legitimacy in light of the fact that these sites may contain malware that will infect your system. 

(10) Erase Suspicious Email and Don't Click

Sometimes you will get an unwanted email from an obscure source that appears to be suspicious or phishing email message. A suspicious email that may contain a virus or malware content to redirect you to a weak website to steal your information. 

  • If you want to avoid phishing emails, just delete any email that raises confusion.
  • If you think your incoming email is suspicious then you can direct phone call to the sender to confirm as he sends the mail.
  • In addition to simply deleting the email, you can also mark it as spam, or as suspicious and it is better do not click on that type of email.

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