Saturday, August 8, 2020

10 Tips for Organizations to Protect Customer Information

The essential point of data security is to protect customer data, understudy data, financial data, and employee data. In this post, we will examine how do organizations protect customer information in request to keep business notoriety. 

Tips for Organizations to Protect Customer Information

Data security is likewise to protect the organization's various sorts of data, for example, stores make and get transactions, knowledge, communications, and infrastructure. Here are some important hints on how do organizations protect customer information: 

(1) Make a Strong Password

We are using extremely powerless passwords to recollect in our memory like date of birth, mobile no, employee id, and 123456, which is one of the prime purposes behind the spillage of customer data. Along these lines, make a strong password using letters, numbers, and uncommon characters and change them all the time (i.e., Somewhere in the range of 30 and 180 days).

  • The password length should at least 10 characters long.
  • The password must have uppercase letters (A – Z), lowercase letters (a – z), numbers (0 – 9), and special character (@, #, $, %, ^, (,), &, *!).
  • Example of a strong password: F#a48^mn@2 is a strong password and standard password
  • Learn More about How to come up with a good password

(2) Install Antivirus Software

Antivirus Software is a program that assists with protecting your computer data files and other important documents from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and unwanted threats. It scans each file that gets through the Internet and assists with protecting your customer data.


  • You can use cloud antivirus to protect your customer database server and ensure that valuable information is secured.
  • If companies are using Windows 7, then they can download Microsoft Security Essentials and
  • If they are using Windows 8 or Windows 10, then they have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security.
  • It is also suggested that if companies use the Internet then you should use professional anti-virus software such as Bitdefender, Norton, Kaspersky, Protegent360, ESET, Avast, AVG, and keep updated with update version.

(3) Limit Access to Customer Information

It isn't important for everybody in an organization to access the customers' personal information. On the off chance that all employees can access the customer data, then there gets an opportunity to compromise customer data. In this way, you need to make a plan or access limit, which employees can access the customer data. 

(4) Centralized Monitoring System

You can build up a Centralized monitoring system in your organization to ready to monitor who is accessing your network, workers, database, and printers. You can likewise track who is trying to unapproved access to your application or data breach in your network. 

(5) Up to Date Operating System and Security Patch

Cybersecurity master suggest that update your operating system, anti-malware with the most recent security patches, and drivers in request to secure customer data. It will guarantee that your employee's computer is up-to-date and free from viruses and other cyber threats. Here are the tips on the most proficient method to update your operating system:


  • Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button > control panel > system and security > and clicking Windows Update.
  • In the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.
  • If any updates are found, then click Install updates.

(6) Make a Strong Privacy Policy

Each company ought to make a privacy policy to protect customer information. The policy will guarantee that how you are keeping customers' personal data and utilized the prevention methods from unapproved access. In addition, customers need to realize that you are protecting their data. 

On the off chance that your organizations have a privacy policy, that will assist with building buyer trust to keep your business notoriety. And on the off chance that you are failing to protect your customers' personal data, then it can influence customer's trust in your business brand. 

(7) Educate Your Employees

Employees ought to be educated and trained about cyber danger, hacking, and its protection system since they are maintaining the customer information. They additionally should be stayed up with the latest on the best way to protect that information to ensure that data is safe.

Each organization ought to have orchestrated a mindfulness workshop and training program on data security and how to protect customer data. The workshop and training program may include the following topics: 

  • What is data security? And its importance
  • How to handle customer data
  • How to protect customer data
  • How to take backup and restore data?
  • How to create a strong password?
  • How to update software and OS?
  • Cyber threats and its protection mechanism.

(8) Data Backup

A data backup is an important hint on how do organizations protect customer information. It is a process, which copying or archiving data files and folders for the motivation behind being ready to restore data in case of customer data misfortune. Data backup is an optional storage of data that is utilized for data protection.


As a major aspect of a data backup plan, you may think about the following methodology:

  • Organizing the customer data files and folder
  • Use compression method
  • Determine backup schedule
  • Make sure backup data regularly
  • Determine your backup location
  • It is better to secondary storage server should be installed in a physically different location because if the primary server is down or destroy any reason then the secondary server will be performed.

(9) Data Masking

Data masking is a sort of data protection component in which hiding original data with adjusted content, (for example, characters or other data).

It is the process of interchanging or modifying certain elements of the data, enabling security and it will guarantees the confidentiality of your customer information.

The main purpose behind using masking to a data field is to protect your sensitive data, for example, 

  • Personally identifiable information
  • Protected health information
  • Payment card information
  • Intellectual property and
  • Login credentials 

(10) Data Encryption

You can utilize the data encryption technology to protect customer information. Data encryption is a sort of data security measure that empowers encryption and decryption of a data stream during transmission and storage. It can empower the encryption of your customer data, file, and others record.

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