Thursday, August 6, 2020

Tips and Steps to Control the Phishing Emails

A phishing email is an email trick that involves fraudulent emails and websites to steal your sensitive information, for example, passwords, credit card numbers, account data, addresses, and more. In this article, we will examine some important hints on what to do with phishing emails. 

Phishing emails or sites may request the following information: 

  • Usernames and passwords 
  • Social Security numbers 
  • Bank account numbers 
  • PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) 
  • Credit card numbers 
  • Your mother's birth name 
  • Your birthday and so forth 

Tips and Steps to Control the Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are appearing to you as legitimate, for example, messages from your bank, office, or another confided in the website. Here are some important hints on what to do with phishing emails on the off chance that you find yourself a victim of an email trick. 

(1) Change Your Passwords

At the point when you clicked on the phishing email link or provided your personal information in response to a phishing email, then you should change your passwords immediately. 

By clicking on that type phishing email you are compromising your email and all accounts, including bank accounts and PIN numbers. 

Along these lines, make a solid, standard, and new password to protect from cyber-attacks. 


To creating a solid and standard password you should utilize combine letters, numbers, unique characters (minimum 10 characters in total) and change them all the time. 

(2) Contact Credit Card Organizations

Contact your Credit Card Organizations as quickly as time permits and let them realize your account was potentially compromised by the cyber attackers. So they can further protect your credit card. 

(3) Erase Suspicious Email

At the point when you will get suspicious or phishing email messages which may contain a virus or malware content to redirect you to a weak website to steal your information, and then erase that suspicious email. 


On the off chance that you need to avoid phishing email, simply erase any email that raises disarray. 

In addition to just deleting the email, you can likewise stamp it as spam, or as suspicious. 

(4) Scan Your Computer

Antivirus software is a program that encourages how to prevent computer security threats, for example, hackers, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and malware threats. 

On the off chance that you think you've infected your system with a virus or other kinds of malicious software then you should scan your system using the top antivirus software. 


In the event that you use Windows 7, then you can download Microsoft Security Fundamentals and 

On the off chance that you using Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center already installed on your device. 

(5) Don't Download Email Attachments

At the point when you will get a phishing email message with a connection file and the connection may contain malware, for example, viruses, worms, or spyware that may infect your system when you download and open the software. 


In this way, it is better don't download and open that kind of email attachments to keep from cybersecurity threats. 

(6) Don't Answer to Phishing Email

In the event that you speculate that you've gotten a suspicious email and the mail requesting you answer with your personal information, then it is affirmed that the mail is a phishing email. In that case, you will never answer this kind of email. 


On the off chance that you think your incoming email is suspicious, then you can directly call the sender to affirm as he sends the mail. 

(7) Never Click Email Links

A suspicious or phishing email message may contain a URL link to redirect you to a weak website and request to provide your personal information, for example, usernames, passwords, credit card information, login credentials, and so more. 


The URL links look like a legitimate link however in the event that you check the link carefully, then you can see that the link is fraudulent link. 

(8) Update Your Software

In the event that your system is infected with a virus or other malware, then you need to update your software, for example, from anti-virus software to computer operating systems. The main purpose behind updating the most recent adaptation software is to remain protected from security threats. 

Old form software may have some weakness in source code and when another adaptation of software is discharged, the variant, as a rule, includes fixes for those kinds of security vulnerabilities. 

(9) Up to Date Operating System

It is unequivocally suggested that you update your operating system all the time with the most recent security patches. This will guarantee that your system is up-to-date and free from viruses and other cyber threats. 


  • Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button > control panel > system and security > and then clicking Windows Update.
  • In the left pane, click Check for updates
  • If any updates are found, click Install updates.

1 comment:

  1. Information security is so important these days and Spotting Phishing emails is a critical part of that. That’s why we made this video about spotting phishing emails It’s getting a lot of views at the moment as there seems to be an increase in cyber crimes so the need to raise awareness about how they are carried out and how you can protect yourself is also important.

    We’ve got a whole section of Information Security videos on our website here if you’d like to see more of this type of video.


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