Wednesday, August 5, 2020

12 Tips to be Learned that Companies Can Prevent Cyber Crime

Cybercrime is a crime that involves a computer or a mobile telephone and a network system of Companies to steal information, harm data, spread malware, committing fraud, and create profit for cybercriminals. In this article, we will talk about some important hints on how Companies can prevent cybercrime. 

It is one of the most profitable approaches to bring in money in the criminal world and who perform these illegal exercises is called hackers. 

12 Tips to Prevent Cyber Crime

The best tips on how Companies can prevent cybercrime are as per the following: 

(1) Antivirus Software

Antivirus Software is a security tool that has intended to search, recognize, and expel malicious software or programs from your computer and devices. The main target of antivirus software is to protect computers and expel viruses and malware once identified. 

Your company should utilize Antivirus software in all computers and scan computer consistently and guarantee the most recent form of anti-virus software installed. 

The most recent adaptation of anti-virus software guarantees that your Companies won't incidentally spread the malware on the website in case employees unintentionally download an infected file. 

In the event that you use Windows 7, then you can download Microsoft Security Basics and 

On the off chance that you using Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you have Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center already installed on your computer. 


It is suggested that in the event that you utilize the Internet, then you should utilize professional anti-virus software like Total Security and keep updated with the most recent rendition. 

(2) The Firewall on Your Network

A firewall is the most important Cybersecurity arrangement tool which has intended to monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic to Companies' network and allows or blocks data parcels based on security rules. 

Its main intention is to make a hindrance between believed internal network of your Companies' and external network in request to protect cybercrime. 

It is noticed that firewalls can be implemented as hardware and software-based, or a combination of both. At the point when a company utilized together, they reduce the cybercrime to Companies' computer or their network. 

(3) Web Application Firewall

On the off chance that your company has software applications, websites, APIs, or mobile apps then a web application firewall (WAF) is important for you. 

It has intended to protect applications, APIs, and mobile apps by filtering and monitoring HTTP hurtful traffic between a web application and the internet. 

A WAF regularly protects web applications from various sorts of cybercrime, for example, cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion, SQL injection, Meeting hijacking, Layer 7 DoS, and others. 

It tends to be implemented one of three distinct ways, for example, Network-based WAFs, Host-based WAFs and Cloud-hosted WAFs 

(4) Data Encryption

It is another important technique that will protect Companies' sensitive information. Encryption is a security method wherein information is encoded so that solitary approved users of a Companies' can access it. 

It will protect sensitive information from being stolen or compromised which implies phishing and additionally provides a method for proving that information is authentic and originates from the point of origin it claims to originate from. 

(5) Disaster Recovery

Each organization ought to have a Disaster Recovery or DR focus. It is a set of tools and procedures that emphasize protecting an organization from any huge impacts, which may include cyber-attacks and catastrophic events. 

It is a piece of security planning which is created related to a business continuity plan. 


It is better than Disaster recovery workers ought to be installed in various areas supposing that the essential worker is down or pulverize then the auxiliary workers will be performed. 

As a component of a data backup plan, you may think about the following procedure: 

  • Organizing the data files and folder
  • Use compression method
  • Determine backup schedule
  • Make sure backup data regularly
  • Determine your backup location

(6) Cyberoam Firewall

In the event that you have a company, then you can utilize the Cyberoam firewall which is Network Security appliances which is accessible as a Cutting edge Firewall and Brought together danger management (UTM) firewall. 

It will provide you a centralized management appliance, for example, firewall, gateway, anti-virus, VPN, web filtering, bandwidth management, intrusion detection, various security features, and services in a single device on the network to protecting users from security threats in an improved manner. 

It has the following features: 

  • Network Security
  • Virtual Security
  • Data Leakage Prevention
  • Web & Content Security
  • Secure Remote Access
  • Managing Bandwidth
  • Email Security
  • Logging & Reporting
  • Centralized Management
  • Application Security
  • WAN Connectivity
  • ICS & SCADA Security

(7) SSL Certificate

In the event that your organization has an electronic application, then you can send a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate in your all domain to protect from cybercrime. SSL is a worldwide standard security protocol that sets up a secure association between a web worker and an internet browser. 

It ensures that all information went between a web worker and the browser remains encrypted and secure. This encryption technique prevents cyber attackers from stealing sensitive information, for example, credit card subtleties, names, and addresses. 

In the case of a browser, on the off chance that a site or domain is secure by SSL certificate, then a padlock is displayed or the address bar shows the URL as HTTPS instead of HTTP. 

(8) Digital Signature

A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of digital messages or documents of an organization, for example, email, spreadsheet, and text file. It utilizes encryption techniques and ensures that the contents of a message have not been altered in transmission time. 

Digital signatures utilize a standard, called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to provide the most significant levels of security and worldwide acknowledgment. This signature is utilized in web-based business, software dispersion, and financial transactions. 

PKI utilizes two keys: One key is public, and one key is private. 

(9) Entrance Testing Tools

Entrance testing is a security instrument which used to distinguish security shortcomings and exploit vulnerabilities of application to your organization. 

This sort of testing tool encourages your organization in identifying the security shortcomings and weaknesses of an application or in a network. 

It is valuable since it permits identifying the "vulnerabilities" in the software and applications which can cause a security breach. 

(10) Security Audits and Assessments

Security Audits and Assessments are intended to survey your company's internal and external security vulnerabilities by implementing a security policy, security design, and infiltration testing. 

(11) Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure technology that makes a safe and encrypted association over a less secure network, for example, the internet. It is utilized by companies to protect their sensitive data. 

It is an encrypted association which adds security to private and public networks, similar to WiFi Hotspots and the Internet. 

The key advantage of a VPN is that it is more affordable than a private wide area network (WAN). 

(12) Educate Your Employees

It is important to educate your employee to protect from cybercrime. Each organization ought to have masterminded mindfulness workshop and training program on cybersecurity. The workshop and training program may include the following topics: 

  • Cybersecurity And its importance 
  • Various kinds of cybercrime 
  • How to protect from cybercrime? 
  • Utilization of social media account 
  • Various sorts of cyber threats and attacks and so forth. 

These are the best practice, for how Companies can prevent cybercrime. In the event that a company needs to protect and keep from cyber attack, then they can utilize the above tools and techniques.

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