Friday, August 7, 2020

What Are Malware and What Are Its Different Types

Malware is another way to say "malicious software" that normally comprises of software program or code. In this post, we will concentrate on the malware definition and case of most basic sorts of malware. 

It is intended to broad harm to data or to gain unapproved access to a computer system without the user's knowledge. 

The malware is delivered in the form of a link or file over email and it requires the user to click on the link or open the file to execute the malware. 

Different Types of Malware

By and large, malware can be defined as malicious and unsafe software that intentionally intended to harm data, computer, worker, or network without the users' assent.

Presently, we will talk about the malware definition and case of various sorts of malware, for example, 

(1) Computer Viruses

A computer virus is a software program that can spread starting with one software system then onto the next software without the user's knowledge and performs malicious actions.

It has the ability to corrupt or harm data, obliterate files, format hard drives, or make plates unreadable. 

There are various ways that a virus can spread, which are as per the following:

  • Clicking on an executable file
  • Visiting an infected website
  • Viewing an infected website advertisement
  • Opening spam email or an email attachment
  • Downloading free games, software and other system utilities

(2) Worms

A computer worm is a kind of malicious software or program that spreads within its connected network and duplicates itself starting with one computer then onto the next computer.

It exploits the security openings of the software and trying to access in request to harm sensitive information, corrupting files, and installing software for remote access to the system. 


On the off chance that your computer is infected with a worm, and then immediately run a virus scan using antivirus, for example, Norton, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Panda, ESET, Avast, AVG. 

Be certain your computer's operating system and software are up to date with the most recent versions. 

(3) Trojan Horses

A Trojan horse or Trojan is a malicious code or program created by hackers to disguise as legitimate software to gain access to victim's systems.

It has intended to erase, adjust, harm, block, or some other hurtful action on your data or network. 


The victim gets an email with a connection file that is looking official email. The connection may contain malicious code that is executed when a victim clicks on the connection file. 

You can protect your device, for example, computers, laptops, Macs, tablets, and smart telephones against Trojans by installing compelling anti-malware software. 

Try not to click and open that kind of suspicious connection file. 

(4) Adware

Adware is a software program that is intended to display advertisements up on your computer screen within an internet browser which redirects you to advertising websites and gather your personal data. 

It tends to be utilized to steal your sensitive information and selling the information to the third party to generate revenue. 


There are many ways that you can forestall adware, for example, 

  • Avoid clicking on advertisements
  • Keep updated operating system and all others software
  • Use antivirus software and Firewall
  • Adjust Your Browser Settings and more

(5) Spyware

Spyware is malware software which installed in the user's computer and gathers sensitive information, for example, personal information, login credentials, and credit card subtleties without the user's assent. 

This sort of malware can be installed as a hidden part of genuine software bundles. It monitors your internet activity, tracking your login and password information, and spying on your sensitive information. 

There are a few sorts of spyware, for example, browser hijacking, adware, keylogger, and more. 


In the event that you need to protect your computer from spyware, then apply the following tips: 

  • Use Anti-spyware software tool
  • Keep your Software Updated
  • Don’t click on suspicious emails links
  • Be careful about free software

(6) Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of cybercrime that blocks to access computer system and demands for bitcoin in request to access the system.

It is a malicious program and the case of most risky ransomware attacks are WannaCry, Petya, Cerber, Locky and CryptoLocker, and so forth. 

It normally installed in a computer through the following ways: 

  • When download and open a malicious email attachment
  • Install an infected software or application
  • User visit a vulnerable website
  • Click on a suspicious web link or the image icon 

(7) Keylogger

Keylogger is a sort of spying technology or system monitor software that recording user keystrokes to steal passwords, sensitive information, record instant messages, email, and catch some other information. 

This software is installed on a computer system and it has the capacity to record each keystroke made on that system. 


There are a few symptoms that you may have a keylogger on your computer, for example, slower performance when internet browsing, your mouse stop or don't appear on the screen. 

To protect from keylogger attack you need to avoid visiting malicious websites or downloading infected programs, free software, videos or games 

And use antivirus software and stay up with the latest. 

(8) Rootkit

A rootkit is a malicious program that installs and executes code on a system without user assent in request gain system access to a computer or network. 

It is commonly installed by exploiting system vulnerabilities, social engineering strategies, and stolen passwords or phishing techniques without the victim's knowledge. 

There are various sorts of Rootkit virus, for example, Bootkits, Firmware Rootkits, and Kernel-Level Rootkits. 


It is hard to identify and evacuate rootkit malware on the grounds that the developers endeavor to conceal their malware content from users and administrators of the system. 

Some rootkit malware can recognize and evacuate using anti-malware, and a few sorts of rootkits malware are hard to identify and expel from the device. 

In the event that it is preposterous to expect to distinguish and evacuate the rootkit, then reinstall the Operating System (operating system), which will eliminate the malware from your device. 

(9) Logic Bombs

A logic bomb is a malicious program or bit of code that intentionally inserted into software that impacts a malicious function after a certain measure of time. 

For instance, a software engineer may conceal a bit of malicious code that starts deleting files, for example, an account database.

Its main reason for existing is deleting or altering data, reformatting a hard drive, and creating other malicious follows up on a predefined date. 

The code can be inserted into the computer's existing software or into other forms of malware, for example, viruses, worms or Trojan horses, and so forth. 


This sort of malware is hard to forestall in light of the fact that attackers hiding the malicious code in content or deploying it on a database worker. 

  • Periodically scan all files
  • Use antivirus software and Firewall
  • Keep update antivirus software and Firewall
  • Do not download pirated or free software
  • Be careful when installing software applications
  • Do not click on suspicious URL links

In this useful article, we have tried to explain malware definition and examples of different type’s malware also noted some tips to prevent malware.

In this helpful article, we have attempted to explain malware definition and the case of various kind's malware additionally noticed a few hints to keep from malware. 

Finally, one of the most important points is user mindfulness; in the event that the user is cognizant or informed about malicious software, then it is exceptionally simple to keep from malware.

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