Saturday, September 26, 2020

Cloud Antivirus Versus Traditional Antivirus

Cloud Antivirus Vs. Traditional Antivirus

When we talk about cloud antivirus or cloud antivirus, many people may have certain doubts regarding their operation and if they are a good solution to protect their data. Reality shows once again that antivirus in the cloud has established themselves as a way to protect our data more and more secure, often serving as redundancy for our antivirus PC, or even an alternative.

Cloud Antivirus Vs. Traditional Antivirus

What are the advantages of antivirus in the cloud compared to other software solutions to install on our desktop? Is a program in the cloud safer than a computer antivirus? Let's enter this interesting debate with some compelling reasons.

Cloud Antivirus Versus Traditional Antivirus

To clarify the concept, antivirus as a service is installed on a remote server, but thanks to our Internet connection it protects all our equipment, as well as our activity when browsing online. Panda Cloud, Bit Defender, and Protegent360 have developed cloud solutions for companies that are very useful when it comes to protecting multiple terminals in a company.

On the other hand, the traditional antivirus is the one we all know; You download it, install it on your computer and it starts working.

It must be said in favor of cloud antivirus that allows you to make your computer not go so slow. They free up your CPU from antivirus activity, and you don't have to constantly install updates. If you have the problem that the antivirus slows down your computer a lot, the best solution is to have your antivirus hosted on an external server.

Cloud antivirus is the most appropriate option to protect your email and all the online programs you use, although most cloud management software already has the necessary security systems on their servers. In addition, following good practices in online security, such as setting difficult passwords and avoiding downloading suspicious files and programs from unknown manufacturers.

Proponents of traditional antivirus believe that the danger of cloud antivirus software is that if malware affects your Internet connection, your computer will be left unprotected. However, it must be remembered that the vast majority of computer viruses enter through the Internet, so the cloud antivirus would stop it before it cut the connection.

A different question is whether or not we are using a good antivirus, since the fact that it is cloud does not mean that the software will be better. However, generally, the most advanced antivirus has a cloud version and is much more modern and efficient.

The experts on online security advise combining antivirus cloud with which we installed on the computer itself, using the traditional version as a backup for the hypothetical case that the Internet connection was cut. However, it should be remembered that surfing the web responsibly and following the best computer practices is the most effective way to prevent the entry of any computer virus.

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