Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Prevent Cryptojacking by Free Antivirus?

With the explosion of cryptocurrencies over the past few years, public interest in cryptocurrency has sparked the purchase by companies and individuals of millions of dollars of cryptocurrencies ( Bitcoin, Ethereum, or others). However, this development has inevitably led to the emergence of a malware that infects computers and uses them to mine cryptocurrency unnoticed. This practice is known as Cryptojacking. In order for you to be able to fight Cryptojacking, you need to know more precisely what it is and how to spot it in order to eradicate it.

Prevent Cryptojacking by Free Antivirus

What Does Cryptojacking Mean?

Cryptojacking is also called in English bitcoin mining malware (or malicious cryptocurrency mining in French). It is a threat that lurks on any computing device (desktop, laptop, smartphone, or touchpad). It uses the resources of the machine to mine cryptocurrency, that is to say, to manufacture virtual currency.

How Does Cryptojacking Escape Detection?

In Cryptojacking, hackers often use more than one means to gain access to your computer's resources. In order to be able to succeed, it must be invisible to your computer's defenses so that it can avoid being detected and accomplish its mission.

Recent minor malware employs many ploys to avoid detection. The Coinminer.Win32.MALXMR.TIAOODAM is one of them. This software masquerades as a classic software installation file for the Windows operating system. By disguising itself as a system file, it is able to pass through the computer's defense system, to settle down and take advantage of the machine's resources to extract the cryptocurrency without being detected.

Further research conducted by cybersecurity experts revealed that this malware installs itself in the % AppData% \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Template \ FileZilla Server folder. Filezilla is an FTP software used in transferring files over the internet. In the event that such a folder does not exist, the malware will set one up.

The deception employed by the Coinminer malware is quite similar to how other Cryptojacking software manages to break into your devices. Below are the methods by which Cyptojacking software manages to enter your device.

Classic Malware Versus Drive-by Cryptojacking

As with most malware, Cryptojacking can be practiced in a number of ways. Let's look at the two most common ways to do this:

Classic Malware

Cryptojacking can be installed on the computer like most malware. Cryptojacking software can be sent as a link to a victim via email. Once you click on the link, Cryptomining software loads directly into your computer, instantly transforming into a cryptocurrency mining tool. The author of the software will then be able to extract the cryptocurrency discreetly, without being detected.

Cryptojacking Drive-by

This approach often used by many hackers uses the JavaScript programming language which is integrated into a web page (example: integration into a free streaming site without registration since this is streaming sites for series and films in VF or sites football streaming ). The users who visit the page are exposed to this threat and unknowingly their devices are being used for cryptocurrency mining. Android

phones like computers are also vulnerable to drive-by Cryptojacking. Most attacks take hold on mobile devices through applications downloaded from unverified sources. In some cases, the processor of phones is so overloaded with operations that it causes overheating causing the battery to swell and permanently damaging the phone.

Drive-by Cryptojacking seeks to attack en masse because the value of attacks is much greater when they are collective than when they are isolated from each other.

It has been pointed out by many cybersecurity experts that although Cryptojacking scripts use the resources of a device to mine cryptocurrency, they do not damage computer data.

Protect Yourself Against Cryptojacking

It is difficult to tell if you have been Cryptojacked due to the ambiguity of the operations. The Cryptojacking process could take the appearance of legitimate software to evade detection. Due to its high use of system resources, it might slow down your system which would make troubleshooting more difficult for you. For larger companies that have multiple Cryptojacked systems, there can be significant financial consequences due to the rising costs of electricity, IT labor, and maintenance, as well as tons of money. '' other damages related to the operation of uncontrolled Cryptojacked systems.

There are several steps you can take to stop Cryptojacking attacks and despite their evasiveness, there are quite a few things you can do to protect yourself and your business. Below are several ways to limit or repel Cryptojacking attacks.

Block Javascript

JavaScript is the computer language on which drive-by Cryptojacking is based. Without it, it would be almost impossible for your device to be Cryptojacked by these methods. Blocking JavaScript on your browsers would interrupt such mining activities on websites using such schemes.

One downside, however, is that blocking JavaScript could likely affect other features you use on your internet browser. Because most modern sites use javascript wisely. To maintain the use of these features while protecting your system from Cryptojacking, use programs such as MinerBlock or NoCoin (extension for Firefox). These programs allow you to make use of your various features while fending off mining threats. The programs listed above are both available as extensions on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers.

Configure Firefox to Block Cryptocurrency Mining

In addition, Mozilla's browser, Firefox, now offers a setting to block cryptocurrency mining.

To activate this blocking of cryptocurrency mining:

  • Go to the browser options by clicking on the hamburger menu at the top right of Firefox then click on Options.
  • On the left, click in the menu on Privacy and security
  • In the Content blocking section, select Custom and then check the box Cryptocurrency miners

Use Cybersecurity Programs

There are tons of cybersecurity software out there including free antivirus like Protegent360 Antivirus created for the sole purpose of detecting Cryptojacking software. With such software installed on your computer, Cryptojacking malware can be detected in real-time and prevented from entering your system.

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