Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Coronavirus Vs Computer Virus | Antivirus Software

To counter cybercrime, HD Latin America recommends installing a firewall. Faced with COVID-19, he advises to stay at home and take action against online threats.

They are both viruses!

Coronavirus Vs Computer Virus

The definition of the word is simple. In the biological field, it is a microorganism composed of genetic material protected by a protein envelope that causes various diseases by introducing itself as a parasite into a cell to reproduce in it.

In the computer field, it is a computer program made in anonymity that has the ability to reproduce and be transmitted independently of the will of the operator and that causes more or less serious alterations in the operation of the computer.

At first glance and brief analysis of the previous reading, anyone would say that they are similar and personally I see that they are identical. The first similarity is that both enter the body and the computer without permission, thus taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of both.

In the case of living organisms, they detect that the body is weak in its defenses, and in the case of computers they take advantage of flaws in the programming of the codes; both propagate and reproduce within the attacked system and progress if there is no resistance, and in both scenarios, the objective is the same: to seize the living organism and the computer or file server in question. But the most important thing about the case is that both contain information that is data that directs them towards their objective, information that gives them a pattern of behavior ... data ... data and more data, that is, very prevalent if it is not a reality that both have the same origin: a superior or at least outstanding intelligence.

Protect yourself as if you were a computer, yes, even if it sounds ridiculous or weird, this will save your life or a family member and, above all, I know the new generations will understand it easier and easier because they were already born immersed in technology and depend on her for almost everything.

How to Protect Yourself if You Were a Computer?

Let's just see, what is done with a computer, the first thing ... pause ... you answer, what is the first thing that is done with a computer before launching it into cyberspace? The same as a baby is thrown (metaphorically) into the polluted and different environment of its placental bag. Yes, he thought about it, an antivirus is installed, but in our unfortunate case, that coronavirus vaccine does not exist yet!

Did you know that the same thing happens when a new virus appears in the computer field? If there is no vaccine, the sample is sent to the laboratories and there are dozens of code specialists who will guess if they analyze, they think, analyze ... and make prototypes that will fight the new virus, identical to what Chinese, Korean, and German scientists are doing. … The entire scientific community because there is no vaccine against this terrible virus called COVID-19, more commonly called coronavirus.

Once Contextualized, Let's Go-to Protection:

Did you know that more than a system deficiency, it is human failure that causes computers to become infected and lose a lot of money and data? This is how you read it in computer science. Let's talk about Mario, who has his savings account at Banco Azteca and suddenly he gets a notice from Banorte and what do you think he's doing? This is how you thought it badly! Mario opens it and then thinks ah ... but if I don't have an account in that bank and in a little voice he tells him (maybe you don't remember anymore) ... the reality is that Mario has never had an account in Banorte in his life and now, By now he is infected with a low-end virus at best and ransomware at worst.

Let's learn the computer lesson: if you do not know the person who is next to you, do not greet him, it is more or turn to see him, capable and with a glance, he fills you with viruses (I exaggerated), but it is reality, this virus does not give indications which is, but the carrier is already spreading it like a piƱata in an inn all around and that's not all, the new carriers do the same in a chain as if they were nuclear fission. To end this analogy we would say: if it is not you, do not touch it and if it is not your bank, do not open it.

The coronavirus, being so tiny, today has the entire planet in check and neither powerful nor artists, nobody is safe unless they take a healthy distance from the possible sources of infection that are our fellow men; Since like computer viruses when you realize it is that you already have it and in that context what we do in computing is to install a firewall that does not allow the virus to enter, in this case, dear reader the firewall is your house and home It is the safest site in the world because viruses are lurking and at the moment there is no antivirus, but surely there will be.

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