Monday, November 2, 2020

6 Tips to Protect Against Phishing Attacks | Total Security

With the growing popularity of social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, it should come as no surprise that cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of flaws in security applications and inadequate protection protocols more often. Twitter, in particular, seems to be a favorite target of malware authors and hackers, judging by some of the latest news in the internet circle.

Protect Against Phishing Attacks

History of Attacks on Twitter

In May, a French hacker calling himself "Hacker Croll" easily managed to access the email account of the administrative assistant, and there, take the information that allowed him to access the application program to the Google employee account. Apparently, people who work at Twitter used the corporate version of this application to share documents and other information within the company. From this, the Hacker Croll was able to steal over 300 private company documents and leak them to the public.

In August, a pro-Georgian blogger nicknamed "Cyxymu" was the target of a denial of service (DDoS) attack, which affected not only his Twitter account - causing a multi-hour outage of the entire site, as well as many other problems. - but also to Facebook and LiveJournal, sites where he also had accounts. Whether Cyxymu's accusations that Russia is responsible for the attack are true or not remains to be seen, but the ease with which this assault was orchestrated has made much wiser.

In September, a Twitter worm was able to spread via direct messages. Hackers who developed the software to generate Twitter accounts can circumvent CAPTCHA technology. The fake Twitter accounts posted messages related to popular topics to trick computer users into clicking the link in the fake message. When the message produced by the machine is clicked, the user is directed to a site that distributes rogue antivirus applications.

Attacks and infiltration of cybercriminals into social network accounts leading to the theft of personal and financial information are not the only problem that many users face. Malware authors have also been very busy.

The biggest danger to social sites today is the Koobface worm. This deadly little parasite attacks users of websites like Facebook, MySpace, hi5, Bebo, Friendster, and Twitter. The Koobface spreads through particularly harmless-looking messages delivered to friends, accompanied by a link. Accessing this link will cause the Koobface worm to be downloaded onto the user's computer. If the infection is successful, the Koobface tries to collect important information from the victims, such as credit card numbers.

These attacks have shown many people that on the web, we are no longer as safe as we were in the past. In July, Los Angeles officials raised concerns about a multi-million dollar proposal to pass emails and other government documents to a Google-sponsored service, the Google Apps service, attacked by hackers Croll the previous month, and this is just the beginning.

Right now, it's difficult to be totally impervious to penetration attacks, but there are ways we can help protect our computers, Internet accounts, and personal and financial information.

6 Crucial Tips to Keep Your PC Safe From Malware Attacks

Here are 6 essential tips to avoid and/or minimize the risk of malware, worms, or infections through websites like Twitter:

1: Keep Your User Profile Short and Do Not Visit User Profiles During Twitter Attacks

Keep your user profile short and never give out your personal information. This includes, but is not limited to, full name, email address, physical address, and telephone numbers. Do not disclose this information to anyone via Twitter, if you can avoid it. If someone accesses your account, this information will be easily discovered. Note that others can and will read your profile and your tweets and that they have the option of forwarding your messages, which means strangers can see your tweets. Remember, once something is posted online, it never goes away, regardless of whether or not the posting is deleted.

During the period of a Twitter attack, it is best to avoid visiting suspicious user profiles that may be infected with a worm or other type of online threat. The Web is a good source for the latest news on Twitter attacks and the accounts involved. A red flag for suspicious activity is displayed when a Twitter user repeats the same message over and over about a product or web page. Please do not click on the links provided by those messages and do not forward them.

2: Practice a Strong Password

Never (and I mean never) give your Twitter password to anyone, this includes friends and family. Make sure the password you are using is not easy to guess. Try using a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols to create a strong password. It is always a good practice to change it periodically or after an alleged attack against Twitter or other social networks. If you are a member of more than one social network, it is suggested that you use a different password for each account. Because if a hacker obtained the password for one of your accounts, he could use it to access your other social accounts.

3: Be Careful What You Download or Link to From Twitter or Other Social Sites

On Twitter, in fact, on many social websites, there are literally hundreds of new apps to use on your profile. Do your research, as many of them may ask for your username and password. Make sure what you send and who you send it to. It is best to ask others about specific applications or test them before using them. Clicking on a short URL such as or Tinyurl are risky practices. The services of a short URL puts you at risk of being redirected to a malicious site that can infect your system with malware. Some shorter URL services such as TinyURL and allow you to preview the link before clicking on it. This is a great feature to take advantage of and avoid visiting an unwanted website. As with spam in email messages,

4: if You See Something, Say It

If you suspect something is wrong, if you are being harassed, or suspect that another user's system is infected by a parasite, it is best to report it to Twitter. Because Twitter has been hit with a number of attacks lately, we all need to be involved in reporting malicious activity. If you receive a message from a user who is clearly trying to spread malware, it is best to send a direct message to Twitter's “spam account” page.

5: Follow General Safety Practices for Social Sites

It is important to always follow the general safety rules when visiting social websites like Twitter or Facebook. The main safety rules to follow are:

Trust no one. Be suspicious of all users, even if they claim to be your friends.

Always be on the lookout for fake social media sites and profiles.

Don't sacrifice your security for popularity by adding unknown users.

It is recommended only to follow people you know in real life. Don't reply to users you don't know. Keep your Twitter information private and only allow people you know to see it. Once you put a Twitter message on someone else's Twitter page, it can be seen by all Twitter users who follow your friend. Never assume that your Twitter message is private. The vast majority of users of social sites are teenagers and do not realize the consequences of posting private information. Users should always inform the appropriate authorities about threats or negative tweets or messages they receive.

6: Keep Your Antivirus, Antispyware, and Other Security Tools Up to Date

Probably the most important and basic line of defense is to make sure your computer has the latest antivirus software. Make sure to update your antivirus program and the operating system often. There are many attractive links browsing Twitter, but there is no way to know which one contains malware waiting to infect your system.

Remember that Twitter is still new, and even with its growing popularity, it can be difficult for developers to include sufficient processes and security settings. There is nothing wrong with trying Twitter and following your friends or favorite bands online, you just have to be smart about using it.

How to Save Your Twitter Account and PC After a Worm or Malware Infection

To prevent the spread of malware through Twitter messages, you need to avoid forwarding them. If you detect any suspicious activity in a profile, for example, tweets that contain the word "Mikeyy", you must take steps to eliminate the threat. To eliminate a common threat, such as "Mikeyy" you must follow the following process:

  • Clear your browser's cache and disable JavaScript with the options.
  • Then go to Twitter to delete all messages on your profile that have the word "Mikeyy" or any other obviously corrupt.
  • Upon completion, you can enable JavaScript again and change your bio, URL, and color scheme for your profile. You can also take this time to change your password for added protection.
  • Download and install a security application like Total Security that scans your system for malicious files that may have infected your system through the message sent from the corrupt Twitter profile.
  • Additionally, you can use a Firefox add-on such as "NoScript" that blocks XSS (cross-site scripting) defects, a common method of worm infections to infiltrate computers via Twitter. No computer user is safe from messages that take advantage of social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Do you have horror stories to share (experiences on Twitter), or on other social sites like Facebook and MySpace? Do you have tips not mentioned here that you can give people to help them stay safe? Please leave a message and give us an answer.

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