Monday, October 19, 2020

Covm Ransomware Encrypts Documents, Images, and Other Files and Forces Users to Pay a Ransom to Restore Them

Covm Ransomware

Covm Ransomware - a crypto virus that blocks common files in order to blackmail its victims. This ransomware belongs to the DJVU malware family and is quite identical to all other versions that appeared in May 2020. These specific versions of the ransomware family were announced by Michael Gillespie, who has investigated the behavior and activities of the  STOP ransomware since it was created. Unfortunately, the tool that helped a lot of victims recover their data is no longer useful. The STOPDecrypter decoder it was quite useful when virus writers used IDs offline. This feature allowed investigators to recover several files, using the ID obtained from the victims. At the moment, this option is not used because, during the summer of 2019, malware creators updated their code processes, starting to use powerful encryption algorithms and using online IDs instead of offline keys.

Covm Ransomware-Anitivirus Software

These changes affected the functionality of the Covm ransomware and left few options available to victims. Additionally, the cybercriminals behind the virus family are known to release new versions weekly. All of these versions are similar, so researchers are able to determine specific malware quite easily and quickly. However, there are still no suitable options for decryption. Unless you find the version that uses keys offline. In such cases, Emsisoft has the decryption tool DJV Decryption tool, potentially capable of recovering files for some people. If you want to try the tool, you need to know if your ID listed in the ransom note _readme.txt ends in “t1”, which indicates an offline ID.

The text file appears on the system when the encryption process ends. The text in the file is a ransom note that informs victims about possible solutions and contact information ( and, the ransom amount ($ 980 or $ 490), and methods for obtaining cryptocurrencies, as it is the preferred method of receiving money. However, experts point out over and over again that this is not the best solution, because the creators of ransomware are focused only on receiving the money, and powerful hackers, as members of this group, do not care about their files or other belongings. The likelihood is minimal, if not null, of receiving your files again after payment, so it is advisable to correct the damage caused by the virus, exterminate the Covm crypto virus,

The Covm ransomware uses the AES-256 encryption algorithm that allows this threat to encrypt documents, images, audio or video files, and other specific files. If you do not have copies of the affected files, the unfortunate reality is that the recovery of encrypted data is impossible. Sometimes, researchers can recover some files, but this ransomware is too powerful to find a solution easily.

Covm ransomware mainly runs online to access the AES-256 key, and since these IDs are stored on remote servers, criminals need to establish an online connection during each encryption process. This is the difference between offline IDs and online IDs. Unfortunately, online IDs are more promising for victims, since the same key is used for at least some victims and in different versions.

Since the Covm ransomware is an updated version, the solution involving decryption tools is not possible. However, paying the amount required by the ransom note is also not the best option:

The creators of the Covm ransomware obtain payments and promise the decryption tools and keys needed to complete the recovery process. However, these promising messages should not be taken seriously, because any contract between you and these extortionists can cause even more damage and the permanent loss of files and money.

The elimination of the Covm ransomware is the step you need to take as soon as you find the message from the criminals. The faster you eliminate this threat, the better. However, it can be difficult to eliminate the virus, due to changes made to the system and the ability of the malware to disable certain important functions. Restart the machine in Safe Mode and run your antivirus software to identify and remove all components of the malware.

You need to remove Covm ransomware as soon as possible and use reliable anti-malware tools because the crypto virus can infiltrate the machine, encrypt your data and continue running in the background to damage the performance and vital features of your system. The virus is introduced via email or other methods that allow malicious files to enter, so you will not be able to be sure if this threat is the only one to affect your system.

Recent reports have reported that Covm ransomware and other threats of this type have a tendency to distribute trojans to monitor and collect sensitive data from victims, potentially used in the future for other scams. Anti-malware tools are able to scan every corner of the system and find traces of the virus, related malware programs, or payload files and backdoors.

This is not the method capable of helping you with the restoration and recovery of files and data encrypted by the Covm ransomware. File recovery is only possible through backup copies and programs from other entities, designed specifically for this purpose. However, remember that ransomware can affect files in the following folders:

% System%.

% system32%.

% Roaming%.


% AppData%

% LocalLow%.

% Temp%.

% ProgramData%.


When files in such locations and directories are damaged, altered, or affected by the Covm ransomware, system functionality is corrupted and some of the operating system's functions cannot be used to restore files or perform other security tasks. You should use Reimage or another different repair tool on your PC and repair the damage, recover system files and registry entries.

Then, you can freely choose your file recovery method, a tool created specifically to recover data and restore data changed by the Covm ransomware. We have provided some additional tips and programs at the end of this article. You can also find more workarounds for decryption tools. 

Main Methods of Crypto-malware Infiltration

Computer infections, in most cases, depend on naive people who do not pay due attention to details and ignore some important steps or signs of suspicious material online. You can receive an email from a suspicious sender and not ask too many questions before deleting the notification. However, there are users with a tendency to read all these unwanted emails and download all files attached to the messages.

Unfortunately, this type of behavior causes infections and allows malicious payloads to infiltrate. Criminals intend to send seemingly legitimate files, such as invoices or other documents so that people are motivated to click on the links or download malicious Microsoft Office documents filled with malicious macros/codes. In any case, the most used methods include even more sinister techniques.

Often, people intend to cheat and look for pirated software, including crack tools, cheat codes for games, and free licensed versions of certain tools. It is these people who enable the success of torrent websites, where malware is prevalent. When you do not trust the sender of an email or the source of the material you install, you should consider the potential for malware infection. The family of this virus is able to distribute threats as executable files or DLLs included in pirated data. Stay away from anything at risk. 

Remove Any Traces and Damage Caused by Covm

Since the Covm ransomware is a serious threat, and the 227th version of the infamous malware family, based on the remaining versions and testimonies of several victims, payment is not an ideal option. If you found the virus on your device, try restarting your system in Safe Mode with Networking as soon as possible and download anti-malware tools on another device. 

When adding SpyHunter 5 or Malwarebytes to an external device, you can perform a full system scan of the affected machine and complete the elimination of the Covm ransomware. This automatic method is able to find and display all potential intruders and eliminate them from the machine. No specific or advanced computer skills are required.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to exterminate the virus manually. In fact, it is possible, but it will take too long and can be quite dangerous if you don't know exactly what to do. Fortunately, there are several tools that can remove Covm ransomware and help you repair the damage caused by the virus. After cleaning the system, run Reimage, and repair any damaged functions or files on the system. Then you can try to recover your data safely, directly on the computer.

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