Friday, January 24, 2020

Easy Tricks to Remove Windows Internet Guard Virus

What is Windows Internet Guard?

Windows Internet Guard is a rogue anti-spyware program from the Rogue.FakeVimes group of computer viruses. This program is considered scareware because it shows false scan results, fake security admonitions, and does not permit you to access your legitimate Windows applications. Windows Internet Guard is distributed through web sites that show a fake online virus scanner that states your computer is infected and then prompts you to download the installation file. This infection is likewise promoted by hacked web sites that contain exploit code that tries to install the infection on your computer without your permission or knowledge.

Once Windows Internet Guard is installed it will be configured to naturally start when you log in to Windows. Once started, it will pretend to scan your computer and then states that there are numerous infections present. On the off chance that you attempt to remove any of these supposed infections, the program will state that you first need to purchase a license before being allowed to do as such. As the entirety of the scan results is false, please ignore any prompts to purchase the program.

Remove Windows Internet Guard Virus

System Restore: 
The "system restore" helps you restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. It's a method to fix system changes to your computer without affecting your personal files, for example, e‑mail, documents, or photos.

1) Reboot your computer into Safe Mode with Command Prompt. To do this, turn your computer off and then back on and immediately when you see anything on the screen, start tapping the F8 key on your keyboard.

In the event that you are utilizing Windows 8, try to hold the Shift button and gently tap the F8 key repeatedly, this will sometimes boot you into the new advanced "recovery mode", where you can choose to see advanced repair options. On the next screen, you should click on the Troubleshoot option, then select Advanced Options and select Windows Start-up Settings. Click on the Restart button, and you should now be able to see the Advanced Boot Options screen.

2) Utilizing the arrow keys on your keyboard, select Safe Mode with Command Prompt and press Enter on your keyboard.

3) At the command prompt, type rstrui.exe, and then press ENTER.

Alternatively, in the event that you are utilizing Windows Vista, 7 and 8, you can type: C:\windows\system32\rstrui.exe, and press Enter. And in the event that you are a Windows XP user, type C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe, then press Enter.

4) System Restore should start, and you will show additionally a rundown of restore focuses. Take a stab at utilizing a restore point created just before the date and time the Windows Internet Guard virus has infected your computer.

5) When System Restore has completed its task, start your computer in Windows regular mode, and perform a scan with a Complete Security Antivirus.

Your computer should now be free of the Windows Internet Guard infection. On the off chance that your current antivirus arrangement let this virus through, you might need to consider buying the Premium version of Antivirus to protect against these types of threats in the future.

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